In this video, Sornia gives feedback on those things that we have put out into the cosmos, into the ethers, that which we have been emitting and that which is then being created and coming back to us many fold. It’s manifestation and our commitment to ourselves, each other, and to the beauty of a living place on earth that is one of more harmony and cooperation and an understanding of our true self being expressed.

Sornia shares that “its” working. Our efforts of dedicating ourselves to our own enlightenment, to that evolution of the soul in human form, and all that is encompassing that in terms of Mother Earth and all of nature, it’s all evolving. Many are noticing the changes and seeing things differently – seeing things more from the place of our truth as eternal beings.

Sornia wants us all to be ready to share our knowledge and wisdom with those who may come with their questions or who may begin to scratch the surface of what it is that has been hidden from them. We are each one, following the path of truth in that expression of God through us and this is what is causing the shifts.

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