In this message, Sornia shares that we have been bombarded by external frequencies from the dark. This strong frequency is really enveloping the planet right now and manifests as strong anger and rage. Many may notice an increase in negative feelings, particularly anger,…Read More
Going Deep Into The Root Chakra
In this message, Sornia shares that over the next weeks, we will be experiencing strong energies that we (meaning Sornia and us) have created that will “motivate” the awakening. We are going deep into the root chakra. During this time, we have agreed…Read More
Understanding the Judgement Energy
In this message, Sornia shares that it is very important that we understand the energy of judgement. If we look at people and situations as being good or bad, or trying to convince others to see things our way, we will be stuck…Read More
Telepathic Communication & The Power of Unity
In this message, Sornia shares that we are learning telepathic communication. They encourage us to listen between the words and the pauses in these messages, listening with the heart so we can get the many unspoken messages that are there. Many have been…Read More
Going Beyond the Astral Plane
In this message, Sornia shares that we have been traveling beyond the astral plane and having different experiences. One group is going back to major timelines of their experience that they have already mastered the information that was needed from those incarnations. They…Read More