A Deeper Connection Through Sleep

In this message, Sornia shares that we have been very busy in our sleep state, and many are experiencing changes in sleep patterns. If we feel the need to sleep, we should allow ourselves the time to do so because we are wanting…Read More

Activating The Root Chakra

In this message, Sornia shares that we have now activated the root chakra. The root chakra will bring forward all the things that are related to our existence as a human being in this third dimensional reality. This includes our sense of security,…Read More

Burning Limitations Through The Physical Form

In this message, Sornia shares that through their vision they are seeing our bright light, the essence of who we are really radiating out from the core of the physical form into our communities, into the world we are living in, and touching…Read More

Glitches In The Matrix

In this message, Sornia shares information on the worldwide effects we are currently experiencing. Many have noticed certain anomalies, glitches in the matrix, or the Mandela effect and wonder what is going on. These shifts that are occurring are not natural. What is…Read More

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