In this message, Sornia gives us updates on the progression of things on planet earth. We are experiencing the beginning of changes, the magnitude of the changes that are coming our way. It is important that we take care of ourselves at this…Read More
Pay Attention!
In this message, Sornia shares that we are really experiencing and understanding that we are eternal beings having a human experience. Sornia shares about “sleep” and what is occurring during our sleep state. We are all experiencing our sleep in different ways as…Read More
The Tipping Point
In this message, Sornia comes through with some helpful reminders for this time which is filled with much tension. They remind us to really keep ourselves grounded in our earthly form but connected to our heavenly origins. Taking extra care of ourselves is…Read More
Transcending Feelings of Being Stagnant or Stuck
In this message, Sornia shares that in our exchange, they are seeing that the optimism we experience when interfacing with them isn’t translating into our awareness when we are in human form. They see many of us feeling “stuck,” and “stagnant” in moving…Read More
Transcending the Limiting Belief of Death
In this message, Sornia shares that we are in a phase of really experiencing the awareness of the struggle between the “limiting human you” being expressed and the “true you” being expressed. We have reached a point where being anything other than a…Read More