What is Channeling?

Channeling is a form of mediumship. During a channeled reading, Laurie is in a semi-trance state and allows beings from a higher realm of consciousness to communicate through her. They merge their energies so that the beings of light can communicate messages of guidance. Laurie finds that Sornia will always give the most loving and compassionate answers to those coming to her for a reading. Sornia is a teaching guide and seeks to offer spiritual teachings that allow the recipient to apply these teachings to his/her own life’s experience.

Channeling is a truly beautiful way to receive guidance and direction from the realm of spirit.

Who is Sornia?

Laurie works with one guide, Sornia. She and Laurie have been working together for many years. Sornia is an expression of the divine feminine energy and is the spokesperson for “Sornia’s Messages” that have been with humanity through humanity’s journey on earth. Some people call them the Galactic Federation, or the White Brotherhood (Ascended masters) which is a grouping of souls gives guidance, insight, and direction about life’s experiences.

The Coronavirus – Divine Love Perspective

In this video, Sornia shares another message offering support and guidance in regard to the Coronavirus. At this time, Mother Earth is evolving and giving birth to a new realm. During this time of ascension, we are raising our consciousness and elevating the…Read More

The Coronavirus – Rising Above Fear

During this time of fear in the world with the onset on the Coronavirus, Sornia shares an uplifting message on rising about fear. What is fear? Fear is not truth. It is an energy and emotion that is part of the human condition. When…Read More


In this video, Sornia discusses Oneness. Understanding “You” through the heart center or the thymus point is where you are able to experience Oneness with your whole being. The heart center is where compassion and love reside and it’s the focus of unconditional…Read More

The Three Lower Chakras

 The three lower chakras are the root, the sacral, and the solar plexus and the three corresponding subtle bodies are the etheric, the emotional, and the mental body. They are very closely intertwined with the physical experience more so than your higher…Read More

Four Subtle Points

In this video, Sornia discusses the subtle energy points. There are four subtle energy points: two that are just outside of your physical body, but within your auric field. The other two are within your physical body, but still part of your auric…Read More

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