What is Channeling?

Channeling is a form of mediumship. During a channeled reading, Laurie is in a semi-trance state and allows beings from a higher realm of consciousness to communicate through her. They merge their energies so that the beings of light can communicate messages of guidance. Laurie finds that Sornia will always give the most loving and compassionate answers to those coming to her for a reading. Sornia is a teaching guide and seeks to offer spiritual teachings that allow the recipient to apply these teachings to his/her own life’s experience.

Channeling is a truly beautiful way to receive guidance and direction from the realm of spirit.

Who is Sornia?

Laurie works with one guide, Sornia. She and Laurie have been working together for many years. Sornia is an expression of the divine feminine energy and is the spokesperson for “Sornia’s Messages” that have been with humanity through humanity’s journey on earth. Some people call them the Galactic Federation, or the White Brotherhood (Ascended masters) which is a grouping of souls gives guidance, insight, and direction about life’s experiences.

Guided Mediation For The Pineal Gland

In this message, Sornia shares that as we are listening to these messages, they are watching the energetic exchange occurring between us and them, as well as how our energy system is responding to the messages. We are evolving the human form and…Read More

New Aspects Of The Awakening

In this message, Sornia shares new aspects we will be experiencing as part of the awakening. They recommend at this time to be observant of how we feel when we hear the messages and to listen to them as many times as we…Read More

Living A Heart Centered & Timeless Life

In this message, Sornia comes forward and emphasizes the advances we have all made in our own journey on earth and in the world of spirit. We are remembering who we really are in the physical, and this is something that has not…Read More

The Frequency Of Truth

In this message, Sornia shares that during this time it is important for us to be very aware of the frequency we are sending out and be very aware what we are connecting to. We should become aware of where we are randomly…Read More

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